We boost natural gas for mobility
For decarbonisation in the area of road transport
Pursuing the commitment to pave the way for more sustainable and ecological transport, Dourogás GNV integrates projects whose strategies aim to promote the introduction of increasingly clean energy in this sector.
Blue Corridors
The EU project “Blue Corridors” aims to establish LNG as a real alternative for medium and long-distance transport – first as a complementary fuel and later as a suitable replacement for Diesel.
To achieve this goal, it has defined a LNG supply point roadmap along four corridors covering the Atlantic and Mediterranean area and connecting Southern Europe with North and West with the East accordingly.
The general objective of the “ECO-GATE” project is to improve the efficiency of the Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) market, conventional and renewable, throughout the Atlantic Corridor (Portugal, Spain and France), in the North Sea Corridor- Mediterranean (France) and the Spanish Mediterranean Corridor (Spain) through new technologies and innovative solutions for the supply of logistics services, cleaner fuels, supply infrastructures, vehicle and component manufacturers and operational processes.
Today the main national supply corridors allow the transport of heavy goods from NGV stations in Portugal to traverse the European market without a problem.
In short, Natural Gas is gaining its space with the consistency of Dourogás Natural to accompany the development.